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Effective Strategies that will Increase Website Traffic & Conversions


Differentiate Your Revenue Streams and Market Them Strategically
Posted by Cameron Francis on July 20, 2016 in

Differentiate Revenue Streams & Market Effectively

Whether you are running a small, medium or large scale business, you need to have multiple revenue sources. Multiple revenue streams naturally mean extra income and profits as well as increased stability.

To do this, however, you will need to answer the following questions:

  • How can you increase your revenue streams?
  • How can you expand your product line?
  • Are there new product opportunities that you can explore?
  • Are there currently product or service bundles that you can split and sell individually?
  • What new services and products can you introduce to your customers?
  • Can you upgrade your clients from their current plans to enterprise or higher value products and services?

Businesses that are able to answer these questions positively will find it very easy to add to their revenue streams.

Other vital questions include:

  • What products and services can you introduce today to increase your revenues?
  • What media can you utilise to drive more business?

Start with what is currently available; then expand as you see fit. Business growth often hinges on an organisation’s ability to do this.

Being busy in one cycle and then barely able to get by in another is a business owner’s nightmare.

Let us help you figure out your possible sources of multiple revenue streams. At eTraffic, we’re a team of highly experienced business consultants with expertise in various fields.

As digital marketing specialists, we’re committed to enabling businesses to strategically generate more business leads, prospects and revenue. If you need help with this, then, call us and talk to our web marketing experts today.

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Cameron Francis


Cameron Francis is the Co-founder of The eTraffic Group which started as a 2 man start-up from his lounge room, to a 50 person+, multi million dollar company. For over 10 years Cameron has been providing growth hacking and digital marketing strategies for small businesses, start ups & entrepreneurs.
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Cameron Francis is the co-founder of The eTraffic Group which started as a 2 man start-up from his lounge room, to a 50 person+, multi million dollar company.

For over 10 years Cameron has been providing growth hacking and digital marketing strategies for small businesses, start ups & entrepreneurs. He helps companies like Retreat Caravans, Melbourne Real Estate, and Roth Newton grow their revenue.

"Cam has increased our website traffic and leads by 600%"

Jamie Brookes of


Cam Francis is available to speak at your corporate event or conference. He brings an energetic and high impact approach to provide the audience with instantly actionable digital marketing strategies guaranteed to improve your business.